General Conference Update

"As the highest legislative body of The United Methodist Church, General Conference holds the power to revise The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions while also initiating amendments to the denominations constitution. General Conference normally meets once every quadrennium or every four years." –UMC

What You Need to Know

If you watched Bishop Berlin's Pre-Conference brief, then you knew momentous things could happen at General Conference. It has been 5 years since the United Methodists across the globe gathered to handle the work of our church. The delegates were respectful of each other and represented Christ well. Here's what you need to know:

  • The Introductions Had a Reason. – The conference started with a request to help ensure equal voices from genders and races. The Committee on Race Relations & The Committee on Women in Ministry requested that delegates introduce themselves in a way that they could track who was speaking. For example, I would say, "I'm Faith Parry, clergy delegate from the Florida Conference, United States. I am a white female, she/her, and I am an adult." Each morning, these committee chairs would share how balanced the voices had been the day before to help the body make space for those who hadn't had a chance to speak, including introverts.
  • We don't have to change anything. – Yes, Boards of Ordained Ministry (BOM) can now ordain persons practicing LGBTQIA. That doesn't mean that next year you will have a pastor who is. Lord, willing, you'll still have me. 😉 In the same way, just because a pastor won't be penalized for marrying an LGBTGIA couple doesn't mean a pastor or congregation will be required to do so.

Fleming Island UMC chose to stay United Methodist because we could choose. This freedom hasn't changed.

Updates from Bishop Graves

May 2

Bishop Berlin shared a letter to all the churches and invited everyone to a Zoom on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 pm. You Must RSVP to the Zoom to attend.

May 1

Watch as Bishop Berlin updates on May 1 events, from opening worship to legislation passed that impacts our denomination.
Today, General Conference delegates from around the world voted 93% in favor to remove language in the Book of Discipline preventing ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy and prohibiting clergy from performing same-gender weddings.

April 29

Catch up on all the exciting updates from General Conference in Bishop Berlin's latest video summary. From the vital work of Women in Faith to the growth of Africa University producing leaders in various fields across the continent, the worldwide impact of United Methodists is truly remarkable.

April 26

Regionalization legislation passed by 78% on Thursday. This means that while we will remain united by our shared doctrine and theology, this legislation will allow each area of the world to do ministry in its own context.

April 24

Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation between Bishop Tom Berlin and Alejandra Salemi, a member of The Florida Conference, who delivered a powerful address during the Young People's session today.