We are excited to begin offering our Kids Club Unlimited program.   Our goal for Unlimited is to offer a space for kids that may not be able to join us in Kids Club in one our traditional Sunday morning classes.   We want every child and their family to feel welcome and included in our church family regardless of their child's abilities.   Nothing about this program is set and stone, our goal is to provide flexibility and work with each family to meet their child's needs.

Our Unlimited Program

Kids Club Unlimited was born out of desire to create  a space that would allow families of children with special needs to feel welcome and included in the church.  We recognize that many families do not attend church or parents take turn attending church because they are unsure what to do with their child during worship.   Our physical space, our sensory friendly classroom,  was designed to provide a space for kids who are unable to join us in one of our traditional classrooms or maybe just need a break.  Hannah, our Inclusion Minister, runs this classroom with the help of one of our amazing volunteers.  
While, we have our sensory friendly classroom, children of all abilities are welcome to join us in our classrooms too!  We do our best to make what accommodations we can for them in those rooms as well.  Many of our volunteers are teachers or retired teachers, do an amazing job working with each of our children.  

Please know that children are always welcome in worship and our encouraged to worship in their own way.  We also provide a variety Kids Worship Resources - coloring sheets, fidgets, sensory headphones, and more.  

Hannah Brown

Children's Inclusion  Minister 

Hello!  I am excited to help launch this new ministry at Fleming Island UMC and about the opportunities it will provide.  When I first came to FIUMC, I was greeted with a positive in brace and a loving environment and I know you and your family will be too.  In addition to my job at the church, I also work as a Behavioral Health Assistant and Paraprofessional.  My goal is to one day become a Special Education Teacher.  

I have lived in Florida my whole life and grew up in the United Methodist Church.  In my spare time, I enjoying hanging out with my five cats or spending time at the beach.  

Our Sensory Room

Our Sensory Room is designed for children with a variety of sensory needs.  Highlights of the room include our indoor play structure and our quiet corner.   Your child is invited to join us in the sensory room during worship, Sunday School, or both.  Hannah, our Children's Inclusion Minister, or one of our experience volunteers staffs the room each Sunday and, as needed during  children's ministry events. 

Child Safety

Your child's health and safety are a priority for us. We will require a registration form for each child with essential information for us to care for your child to the best of our abilities. You can fill out this form in person or through the link below.

Each Sunday, your child will be checked in at our Kids Club check-in table (located in the classroom hallway at the rear of the Worship Center) before joining their classes. Once checked in, your Preteen can join the rest of the group in the Worship Center in their reserved section. You can pick him or her up at the check-in desk after worship.

Contact Us

We would love for you to join us on Sundays.  We understand with kids you make have questions for us about our program.  So please do not hesitate to reach out to us, so we can help you however we can.