VBS Day 1 Recap

Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens.
–Psalm 89:2
With Day 1 over and done, we're thrilled to spend the day with 41 exceptional children! Our focus for the week is God's, Monumental Love. Here are some things they learned and did:
  • "God loves us no matter what!" He's an "Amazing God!" (This is our big takeaway.)
  • Joseph's family had feuds (Genesis 27), but God's love lasts forever.
  • God's unfailing love will last forever (Psalm 89:2).
  • The kids played a game called "Rattlesnake Egg Rustle," where they had to carry a tennis ball in a pool noodle. No matter who was the better, God loves them "no matter what."

We had such a wonderful group of volunteers helping every kid feel at home. A big THANK YOU to our 24 adults and 10 youth volunteers that made it all possible. Please pray for another fantastic day tomorrow!
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1 Comment

Kimberly Barrett - July 25th, 2022 at 3:14pm

Looks like a fantastic first day of VBS!! A giant thank you to the volunteers for keeping our kids safe a s sharing the love of Jesus!!!