Why we give.
Our giving is how we show gratitude for God's faithfulness in our lives. We don't give to support a budget, ministry, or even because there's a need. We give to thank God for everything God has done to bless us. If you'd like to express your gratitude to God, please use the form below to give a percentage of your income to show your gratitude.
Ways To Give:
Give Online
Subsplash is more than our streaming system and church app, They also provide our online giving option. Subsplash is a safe and secure online giving platform. You can give by:
- The Form on this Page
- Clicking Give within the FIUMC Church App
- Text Fleming17 to 1-888-364-GIVE (4483)
Give in Person
You're welcome to bring your gift to worship or drop it by the church office during office hours.
Mail a check
Fleming Island UMC | 7170 Hwy 17 | Fleming Island, FL 32003
Hear How we Talk About Money
January 2024, we started our yearly conversation about money. Hear how we talk about money by watching the stewardship moments from worship.
How we Handle our Money
We know you work hard for your money, so where you give it matters. We have a multi-step system to ensure all funds are handled responsibly and treated with the respect God's funds deserve.
One thing to note, our facilities support all our ministries. We currently do not budget money for Missions but support many organizations through special collections and events. If you have questions about the church's finances, please don't hesitate to come and speak to us.
*These meetings are open to everyone
- There are always two people who handle the counting and recording of gifts.
- The church council sets the budget yearly, based on the church's ministry goals and projected income.*
- Our finance team reviews all financial numbers monthly to ensure the spending and receiving are on track with the church council's goals.*
One thing to note, our facilities support all our ministries. We currently do not budget money for Missions but support many organizations through special collections and events. If you have questions about the church's finances, please don't hesitate to come and speak to us.
*These meetings are open to everyone