VBS Day 3 Recap

How great is our Lord! His power is absolute!
–Psalm 147:5
The kids aren't ready for VBS to end, but I think our 24 adult volunteers might start losing some of their steam at the end of day 3. They've sung, danced, and acted with Godly Gusto so far. Our 11 youth volunteers today have been amazing too. Those helping with games even volunteered to let the kids dump water on their heads and pie them in the face as a way to encourage the gathering of Birthday Bags for the Food Pantry.
Here's what our 40 kids and their crews got up to today:
  • They continued the practice of God-Sightings, writing down things they're thankful for and putting them on the walls.
  • They ate a mixed-up snack, which reminded them that no matter how crazy or out of control things get, God is still in charge (our big takeaway for today).
  • They tried to play put-put golf with pool noodles, which they found ineffective. Sometimes, life doesn't work as we plan.
  • They experimented with power sources and things that can slow us down.
  • Joseph's story continued. He visited Pharo and helped him figure out the strange dreams he had. Together, they planned for the coming food shortage (Genesis 41).
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