Measure Up Preview

Hey, families! Here’s a look at what we’re covering with your kids January 2023 so you can help your kids continue growing at home.


Remember when you just couldn’t wait to be tall enough and old enough to ride a roller coaster? It seems like a small thing, but it's actually a significant childhood milestone and every kid is looking to measure up in some way. But . . . we never really outgrow that impulse, do we? This month, we're teaching from the Gospels on Jesus’ early life and ministry. Kids will learn that Jesus grew up and experienced many of the same challenges around "measuring up" that we do today.

To get ready for this series, spend a few minutes reading about the life and early ministry of Jesus. As you do, think about what God has taught you (and is still teaching you) through these passages, and how these Big Ideas have been true in your life.
  • WEEK 1: God guides us to safety. Matthew 2:13-23; Isaiah 63:7-9
  • WEEK 2: We can love God with our actions. Luke 2:41-52; Isaiah 42:1-9
  • WEEK 3: We can follow Jesus. John 1:29-42; Psalm 40:8-11
  • WEEK 4: God makes us ready at the right time. Matthew 4:12-23; Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
  • WEEK 5: God's words help us make wise choices. Luke 4:1-13; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31


Let's face it — comparing yourself to others is something that happens regularly. Kids seek to measure up to someone or someone's expectations at an early age and unfortunately, this habit is one that tends to stick. What's comforting (and helpful) to know is that Jesus faced many of the same challenges growing up that we did and he continued to experience them in adulthood. Spend some time talking to God about your measures of value. Do you equate social media interactions with worth? Is an achievement dangling just out of reach, tempting you to think less of yourself? Do you feel unprepared for something?

Which passage of Scripture or Big Idea from this month is most relevant to you right now? Spend a few minutes asking God to show you how you've already grown in this area, plus the next step you need to take in order to keep growing.


So what's your next step? Do you need God to guide you to safety from any physical or emotional trouble in your life? What are some actions you can take today to show you love and follow God? Are you waiting on God's timing for something? Which of God's words are you holding onto for wisdom as you look to make tough new choices?

Whatever your next step is right now, take it. Then help kids do the same.

Memory Verse

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” — Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
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