Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, what an amazing day!
It was such a fun day of fellowship with old friends and new friends from start to finish.  We had an amazing service with the kids leading us in waving palms.  Our Potluck Lunch was a wonderful opportunity to eat some delicious food (say hello thirds) and spend some time chatting with everyone.  I know the kids had a blast collecting all the eggs during our Easter Egg Hunt and I think the adults had almost as much fun hiding them.  After the egg hunt, it was time for the water slide!  
I think the best part of the day was watching us come together as a church to make this day happen.  From Loie and Kimberly continuously trying to kill all the ants, David, Michelle and Chip laying new mulch, to all those who taught in Kids Club (especially those who responded to my last minute texts for help), to Val organizing the food for lunch, to Cathy and everyone who set-up for lunch and much more!  This list could be a page long, so if you helped with this event in any way thank you!  
If you joined us for Palm Sunday at any point, thank you!  I am so glad you were a part of our day.  
To quote Henry (speaking to my friend), "You should come to my church, we do awesome stuff!"

Bonus Picture of me going down the waterslide.  
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