Questions Become Praise

When we shift our mindset from praying for a way out to praying for a way to glorify, life changes dramatically. The biggest thing that changes is our perspective. We stop seeing life as something that’s happened to us, and we become something that happens to life. Every day becomes a chance to praise and worship God, whether good or bad.

“His honor rose up in liquid walls before the wide-eyed Israelites, and His exploits became the substance of their songs and stories for a thousand generations.” –The Red Sea Rules, by Robert J. Morgan (Rule 2)
When God defeated Egypt again, this time at the Red Sea, Israel remembered forever in songs and holidays. Read these words from Psalm 136 and imagine Israel singing them during times of worship in the desert:
When God defeated Egypt again, this time at the Red Sea, Israel remembered forever in songs and holidays. Read these words from Psalm 136 and imagine Israel singing them during times of worship in the desert:
“He brought Israel out of Egypt.
His faithful love endures forever.
He acted with a strong hand and powerful arm.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who parted the Red Sea.
His faithful love endures forever.
He led Israel safely through,
His faithful love endures forever.
but he hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who led his people through the wilderness.
His faithful love endures forever.” –Psalms 136:11-16 NLT
Questions to Ponder:
How can you Praise God today for something he delivered you through?
Do you need to praise him for a difficulty you’re in right now?
What’s one way you’ve changed your perspective on situations?
Do you need to praise him for a difficulty you’re in right now?
What’s one way you’ve changed your perspective on situations?
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