Student Art and Learning

Student Art Exhibit

The Enterprise Museum hosted a student art exhibit during the month of May which featured artwork created by students from the Legacy Scholars Academy on the Enterprise campus of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. The artwork by artists from sixth through twelfth grade featured traditional art mediums, such as watercolor and acrylic paintings, as well as 3D sculptures and multimedia installations. Some of the art was of food and looked so realistic and beautiful that I was tempted to take a bite! By identifying and recognizing past trauma, these students have learned to describe and reflect how they feel through their artwork with creativity, perseverance and dedication.

Ladies Learning to Lead Conference

Four of our young women attended the annual "Ladies Learning to Lead Conference" at Florida State University in mid-May which included sessions on college and career preparation, exposure to S.T.EAM. fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), financial literacy, civic engagement, and much more. National professional femalespeakers empowered youi1g ladies in midd1e and high school to become leaders. Our fine young women all won different awards for their character and wisdom. We are so proud of our ladies learning to lead!

Planting Seeds for the Future

Gulf Cove United Methodist Church wanted to get involved with the Children's Home in a different way. After their new LCR, Susan Mathews spoke with us, she realized just how important gardening and horticulture has become at both the Enterprise and Madison Youth Ranch campuses. Gulf Cove decided to collect seed packets and raise money to purchase some plants.
Susan and Patty drove more than four hours each way to bring us the seeds and plants. Along with more than 250 packets of seeds, they brought us banana plants, blueberry bushes, lemon and lime trees. They met with Pam Shaver and Kellie Jo Treadway who oversee our greenhouse and horticulture program.

Many of our children and youth enjoy gardening which often has a deep, therapeutic effect on them in a variety of ways. Who doesn't enjoy getting their hands dirty and then seeing life spring forth?

Much of what is grown is used in their own meals and sometimes is donated to the community through food pantries or our food cart program. Thank ~~Gulf Cove UMC for investing in future
growth by planting seeds, and providing bushes and trees!

If you would like to take a tour of one of our campuses and see all the growth happening here, contact Crystal St.Julien, Development Data Manager at

Campus Needs List

Our current most needed items for this summer are:
  • Cantu Hair products 
  • Hair pies
  • Clock radios 
  • Sunblock
  • Pots & Pans 
  • Plastic hangers
  • Suitcases 
  • Duffie bags

For more information on donations, volunteering, contact Volunteer Manager, Lynn Bellomy. For more information on campus tours, contact Crystal St. Julien.
Florida United Methodist Children's Home| 386.668.4774|
...empowering children and families to experience the transformative love of Christ
through (w)holistic care.

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