Teach Me Lord

Dr. F. B. Meyer taught the missionary Amy Carmichael to pray. The simple and impactful method kept God at the center of her life all the time:
“Amy Carmichael developed many variations of that prayer. When meeting someone she didn’t like, she would silently pray, “Thy love, Lord.” In a crisis, she’d whisper, “Thy help, Lord,” or “Thy wisdom, Lord.” Sometimes when I’m worried, I just lift my heart to heaven and say, “Lord…,” followed by the name of one for whom I’m concerned.” –The Red Sea Rules, by Robert J. Morgan (Rule 4)

What would have happened if Israel had taken this approach? What if, when they faced the Red Sea and the army of Egypt, they prayed, “Thy courage, Lord,” and marched on?

The Psalmist writes:
“Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.” –Psalms 86:11 NLT

You could pray this verse daily or write it down to say, “Teaching me, Lord.” Amy Carmichael would be proud of that simple but powerful prayer. What can God teach all of us today? Pray with me, “Teach me, Lord.”

Thoughts to Ponder

  • When was the last time you prayed for God’s guidance and instruction?
  • How do you usually pray?
  • How could you change your prayer life with these simple prayers?
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