Day by Day

Have you ever noticed how we’re fascinated by the lives of people who can’t see? In recent years, quite a few things have come out on TV about blind people. We have Daredevil in 2015, about many people’s favorite superhero who fights crime as a lawyer by day and as a blind vigilante by night. Then in 2019, Apple released two shoes: See and In the Dark. One is about humanity all becoming blind, and the other is about a girl who is blind trying to solve the murder of her friend.
One common thread is our fascination with a person or group of people living without being able to see. However, in our spiritual life, that is what we do. We walk by faith, being unable to see where we’re going.
One common thread is our fascination with a person or group of people living without being able to see. However, in our spiritual life, that is what we do. We walk by faith, being unable to see where we’re going.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!’” –Exodus 14:15
Israel can’t see where they’re going, so they don’t want to go anywhere. The unseen path is causing them not to move. Yet, we’re to walk forward, trusting God step by step, day by day, week by week, etc.
Israel can’t see where they’re going, so they don’t want to go anywhere. The unseen path is causing them not to move. Yet, we’re to walk forward, trusting God step by step, day by day, week by week, etc.

“On the despairing shores of the Red Sea, the Israelites couldn’t see what was in the distance. They had no binoculars that could view Canaan or even the opposite shore.” –The Red Sea Rules, by Robert J. Morgan (Rule 6)
God is trying to lead you, but you’ll never get there if you’re afraid to go.
God is trying to lead you, but you’ll never get there if you’re afraid to go.
Thoughts to Ponder
- Are you afraid to take a step forward into the spiritual unknown?
- How can you encourage yourself to walk on?
- Is there a friend who can help you with this process?
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