The Miracle is a Mistake

I heard someone say that they didn't believe God does miracles anymore. I don't remember any other conversation details, but the statement stood out because it broke my heart. In my first year of seminary, my New Testament professor gave a 3-hour lecture all on stories he personally heard of people talking about personal miracle experiences. These two events couldn't be more different. In some ways, my professor has "proof" that miracles exist, yet most people in America would say they don't.

During my required hospital rotation, I saw a man return from being pronounced brain dead! That was a true miracle. However, his family didn't celebrate. They blamed the hospital for "misdiagnosing" him because there was no way someone could come back from that. It's not every day we see people being healed from things that should end their lives.

The same professor listed above said in that same 3-hour lecture, "If all of us were healed all the time, then we'd all live forever…and then you wouldn't need me to teach this. You'd have St. Peter and St. Paul still here sharing their first-hand accounts because no matter how often Rome put them to death, they'd return just as Jesus did."
"God doesn't have standardized, same-size-fits-all solutions to our various problems. He treats every situation as singular and special, and He designs a unique, tailor-made deliverance to every trial and trouble." –The Red Sea Rules, by Robert J. Morgan (Rule 8)

It's not for us to understand why God chooses to deliver us in the ways he does. When we reach glory, maybe God will show us a playback of our life with everything we didn't know at the moment. For now, we must accept that God is acting for our best, and we can't see the big picture.

Timothy explains this when he writes:
"Yes, and the Lord will deliver me from every evil attack and will bring me safely into his heavenly Kingdom. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen." –2 Timothy 4:18 NLT

Today, try and look for things that you don't expect. Remember, God, is always looking out for your best. See if this change of perspective affects your life outlook.

Thoughts to Ponder

  • Have you ever discounted something as God because there was a rational explanation?
  • Where in your life can you see God delivering you to safety?
  • Is there someone who can encourage you in this area?
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