
What is a God-Sighting you may ask?  Well, each morning during Vacation Bible School, we ask the kids to share some way they saw God at work the day before.  Their crew leaders then wrote what had been shared on a star and the stars were hung on the walls in the sanctuary.  

By the end of the week we had over 68 stars and some of those stars had multiple God-Sightings on them.  Our God-Sightings ranged from things like seeing a butterfly to someone helping them feel better when they were hurt.  
I thought it would be fun to share what some of the kids' God-Sightings were:

"Team work in games"
"Being with family"
"When our crew leader came"
"Having a pool"
"The kindness and love shared with new friends"
"A cloud that resembled God"
"Happy dancing and singing"
"Being at VBS"
"Saw an old friend"
"Being here at this church"
"Birthday bags"
"Being different doesn't matter"
"God helped me when I was sick"
"My brother"
"A bright star"
"Friends holding doors for others"
"Lady at Zaxby's quoted John 8:12 to me"

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