Complex Mix of Emotions

I’ve talked about emotions a fair number of times. One thing I may not have said is that for most of my adult life, I have struggled to battle feelings of Anxiety and Depression. I don’t get anxious to speak in front of people; that comes naturally. However, I pray obsessively over pending conflicts, worried about doing or saying the wrong thing. I am also very hard on myself, so I take negative comments and wonder if they are ones I should change for or put them “feedback” bucket.
“Turns out all of the biblical characters were a complex mix of strengths and weaknesses. David, Abraham, Lot, Saul, Solomon, Rahab, and Sarah were God-loving, courageous, brilliant, fearless, loyal, passionate, committed holy men and women who were also murderers, adulterers, and manic depressives.” (Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli. p. 23)

Many of our Biblical Heros were emotional messes like myself. Like me, they struggled with making mistakes or controlling all their emotions. Take Saul, for instance. He became king in his 30’s. Instead of relying on God’s power, he defaulted to his own. As a result, Saul was tormented by the spirit within him.

“Now the Spirit of the Lord had left Saul, and the Lord sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear.” –1 Samuel 16:14 NLT

Yet, God still used Saul, which gives hope to people like you and me. God wants to help us balance our weaknesses. We all have them, and knowing these things about ourselves is part of growing in our Spiritual Maturity. Through growth, we can use the way we were made (intentionally by God) to serve and honor him.

Thoughts to Ponder

  • What emotions do you struggle with the most?
  • Do you know what your triggers are?
  • How can you make a habit of turning to God when you notice your triggers happening?
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