Almost Heaven

Matthew 6:10 (NLT)
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Almost Heaven, West Virginia. The phrase is on welcome signs and license plates. It is used in television ads and sung after sporting events. It is truly ubiquitous throughout the Mountain State.
And yet, as we prepare for Christmas, the words take on renewed meaning.
When Christ prayed “your kingdom come, your will be done – on earth as it is in Heaven” – the words are a prayer to God, but the challenge is to the one praying.
Truly making God’s will be done on earth starts with each of us purposefully choosing to take the same actions we will be expected to do in heaven.
Many of us struggle with that. And almost all of us fall far short.
If Christ came to West Virginia today, would he see our efforts as Christians as Almost Heaven? Sometimes, answering “what could we do” is much easier than answering “what could I do?” Or, more directly, “what will I do?”
Christmas is a time of birth and rebirth. It is a time to prepare for a new year and new life. And as we spend time with our family, friends, and neighbors, perhaps we can look to see how to make our place here on earth more like it is in heaven for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Not just this Christmas season, but all year long, as a church and as individual Christians, we can all work for God’s will to be done in our part of Almost Heaven, just as it is in Heaven.
Each of us can help someone hungrier or poorer than we are. We can comfort those we know who are mourning. We can visit those who are sick.
We can show mercy to those in jail or prison. We can help make peace and sooth old wounds. We can strive to be pure in heart. We can pray without ceasing. And we can love without exceptions.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name. Help us see the way for your will to be carried out here in West Virginia just as you would have us do it in heaven. Amen.
And yet, as we prepare for Christmas, the words take on renewed meaning.
When Christ prayed “your kingdom come, your will be done – on earth as it is in Heaven” – the words are a prayer to God, but the challenge is to the one praying.
Truly making God’s will be done on earth starts with each of us purposefully choosing to take the same actions we will be expected to do in heaven.
Many of us struggle with that. And almost all of us fall far short.
If Christ came to West Virginia today, would he see our efforts as Christians as Almost Heaven? Sometimes, answering “what could we do” is much easier than answering “what could I do?” Or, more directly, “what will I do?”
Christmas is a time of birth and rebirth. It is a time to prepare for a new year and new life. And as we spend time with our family, friends, and neighbors, perhaps we can look to see how to make our place here on earth more like it is in heaven for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Not just this Christmas season, but all year long, as a church and as individual Christians, we can all work for God’s will to be done in our part of Almost Heaven, just as it is in Heaven.
Each of us can help someone hungrier or poorer than we are. We can comfort those we know who are mourning. We can visit those who are sick.
We can show mercy to those in jail or prison. We can help make peace and sooth old wounds. We can strive to be pure in heart. We can pray without ceasing. And we can love without exceptions.
Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed by your name. Help us see the way for your will to be carried out here in West Virginia just as you would have us do it in heaven. Amen.
Curtis Wilkerson, 1st United Methodist Church Buckhannon, West Virginia
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