Fall Market 2022

October 22 | 8am -  2pm

We share our vendors as the secure their spots on the Facebook event. Check out who's coming, and share the event online.
This will be our 6th Annual Fall Market (Community Yard Sale). 

Event Proceeds

The proceeds go to our Trustees for campus beautification. Scout Troop 812 along with students from our Youth Group will be volunteering hours to earn funds for their scholarship accounts for trips. These funds help ensure all students can participate in trips and activities throughout the year. 

Do you Have Something to sell?

We're open to vendors coming out and joining the event. Come on out and join the fun. Click the link to sign up.
Stop by and pick out some pumpkins. Our pumpkins are being delivered on October 15th.
Kids birth-6th grade are invited to join us on October 30th for Candypalooza. They get to wear their costumes to worship at 9:30, and will leave with a nice size bag of candy. Parents, we won't make any faces if you want to wear a costume to worship too. :)
OneBlood will be joining us for our Fall Market. You can shop, give some blood, take a rest, then hang out around the pumpkins while you drink your juice. They take walk ins, but if you want to reserve a time, visit their website

Questions? We're here to help!