Stones (Easter) - Message

Apr 9, 2023    Faith Parry

Our livestream accidentally went out with no audio. 😬 The good news–Pastor Faith preaches each morning at two churches. Here's her sermon from Green Cove Springs, the second time around.

Thanks for joining us for our #InPlainSight Series! #Stones #EasterSunday Drop a comment 💬 and let us know where 🧭 you're watching from. We'll take communion at the end of the service, so please plan on having something bread-like 🍞 and juice-like 🧃 so you can participate with us from wherever you are. If you haven't already, please download our App 📲 to get more updates on what's happening in our church. You can also join our 📖 Bible Plan right from the App. Need to talk with Pastor Faith? She'd love to talk with you: Contact Faith