Boundaries with Technology - Message

Apr 21, 2024    Faith Parry

I explored the historical perspective of the church's relationship with technology, from the printing press to digital media, and how each phase was initially met with skepticism. I stressed that while technology can enhance our ability to connect and access information, it also presents challenges that require us to maintain a balance.

Delving into Proverbs' teachings, I drew parallels between ancient wisdom and modern challenges, particularly the need to manage our engagement with technology responsibly. I used the honey metaphor from Proverbs 25:16 to discuss moderation in everything, including technology.

I shared personal anecdotes about setting boundaries with technology to preserve meaningful interactions with others, such as using a tripod at events to be more present rather than viewing everything through a screen.

Concluding the sermon, I invited the congregation to reflect on their use of technology and consider implementing boundaries that foster rather than hinder relationships. I encouraged everyone to think about how they can use technology to enhance, not detract from, their spiritual and personal connections