Q11 | Who is the Holy Spirit?

Apr 10, 2024

Q. Who is the Holy Spirit?

A. The eternal Spirit of God, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. (John 14:26)

●      Discussion Question: Have various people look up the following verses. When all are ready, read them in turn: Genesis 2:7; Ezekiel 37:1–10; and Romans 8:9–11. What do these passages have in common? How are they different?

●      Discussion Question: Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, instructs us to pray to “Our Father.” Christians in the early church, as today, often pray to Jesus as God as well. When, if ever, is it appropriate to pray to the Spirit? Why do you think this is such a rare practice today? 

●      Discussion Question: Christian author and speaker Francis Chan has called the Spirit the “Forgotten God.” Why do you think that is and how does that reflect who the Spirit is and what the Spirit does? 

●      Discussion Question: Have you ever had a personal experience with the Spirit of God in a way that you feel is different than an experience with the Father or Son? 

●      Discussion Question: What was the most important idea you learned from this lesson? Is there anything you still don’t understand?

●      Application Question: How do we discern if the movement within ourselves is the Spirit of God or whether it is our own thoughts . . . or yesterday’s lunch?