
Fleming Island UMC is a place where you can Love God, Love Others and Share Jesus. Our mission is to be a relevant, vibrant,  growing church that seeks and shares God's love with the community. 

We're Waiting for You!

When you walk into our Worship Center (the building in the back of our property), you'll find our welcome station. These gift bags are intentionally empty because we want you to choose what you want, instead of us assuming we know. We hope to get to know you and anyone you worship with. Until then, we don't want to make any assumptions about your household.

You'll find on these shelves information about worship, our ministries for all ages and some small gifts that are a thank you for giving us a try. The crosses are hand made by a friend. You can read more about them here. We also have some items for kids (and kids at heart). We encourage everyone to grab a bag and take whatever interests you.

What Can You Expect?

We hope you find worship a “come as you are” atmosphere. You’ll find people from all walks of life seeking to grow closer to God every Sunday. We understand that people come to worship from different backgrounds, so we strive to create a worship experience that helps you meet God through music, prayer, the scriptures, and communion. Life gets busy, so we lifestream our service every week so you can stay connected with us, even when you can’t be here in person. Visit our website to view past worship recordings and sermon archives.

Our children's ministry is designed to help kids foster a life-long love of church. They start by worshiping with you, then head to their own Bible teaching. Learn more about kids below.

Want to learn more? Check out one of our past services.

Listen to music that's often in our worship service through one of our online playlists. You can worship on the go or know what to expect before you arrive.
We know your child's safety is important to you, so it's important to us. Every adult that serves in our children and youth ministries are background checked and trained every year so ensure the safety of our children and youth. This is just the first step in keeping the Next Generation safe. Children are always welcome in worship. It's our goal that every family have options on what they feel is best.  

What to Expect

When you come into worship, you'll find all of our children's spaces in the hallway on the right, just past the kitchen. We have a check-in desk there. Please check your child in before worship. (We invite you to walk with them and check out the space they will be in later.) After being checked in, there is a marked row where each class gathers to worship with the other kids their age and their teachers. This makes it less intimidating for our newer friends to head to Kids Club when it's time.

After we get through singing (about 25 minutes in), the class leaders will lead the kids to their age-specific classes for a Bible lesson and activity. You'll pick up your child(ren) back in the hall after service ends.


We celebrate Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) every Sunday because we believe it is the ultimate place of God’s acceptance and love. Communion is open to everyone, with no exceptions. All God asks is you confess anything you need to before you come to him. If you worship online, we invite you to have something with you to join us from home.

Our method for Communion is for a server to give you a piece of bread, and you’ll dip it into a cup of grape juice. To help make Communion accessible to everyone, we have prepackaged and gluten-free bread on the table if you’d like it.

Our children take Communion weekly if you choose it for them. They talk about it age-appropriately, then our Preteens serve the younger children.

Have questions about communion? Contact Pastor Faith.

Multiple Ways to Worship


Sunday at 9:30am