Dreams, Prayers, and Transitions

This past Sunday, I preached on dreaming big and praying about those dreams. That brings me to the question, what dreams have you claimed and are now praying for?

It's tough to believe, but we're in September. I've been at Fleming Island for 3 months now. Some may say you can believe it, but the time has flown for me. Soon, the holidays will be here. I want to thank you all for holding on during this transition.

Transitions are hard. They weigh on us emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The hardest thing in life isn't changing but resisting when change comes. In my life, the places God has grown my spiritual life, and specifically my trust in him, have been during transitions.

As we continue our sermon series on prayer, I want to challenge you to start dreaming, praying passionately, and allowing God to use this season in our lives to grow us in ways we can't imagine. It is hard, but it will be powerful.

On September 25th, we'll close this series with a prayer service instead of our usual format. This will allow us to put into action dreaming, praying, and listening. I want to challenge you to start now. Start asking God to speak, showing you what to pray. Start circling daily in prayer the priorities laid out by our leadership:
  • Worship
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Discipleship

Most importantly, ask God to open you up to new things so that the Spirit of God will move among you, your house, your family, and our church. See you on the other side of these prayers!

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