Posts with the category “pastor-s-desk”

The Link: Young Chefs Do It Right
by Residing Hope on July 17th, 2024
Three of our youth participated in the Florida Future Chef Student Cook-Off. Our three young men were excited and privileged to learn from the best: Costa Magoulas, the Dean at the Mori Hosseini College of Hospitality and Culinary Management at Daytona State College, Chef Michael Taylor from South Beach, and Chef Perry Li of the Cocky Rooster in Deltona. Our aspiring chefs cooked Sazon Gator with ...  Read More
Transforming Spiritual Futures
by Faith Parry on July 2nd, 2024
Many may ask, "What's the point of confirmation?" or "Isn't that a Catholic thing?" If I had to choose one thing that you found a way for your teenager to do, it would be confirmation. It's so important for the spiritual development because it helps them understand what's different about Christianity from all the other belief systems in our world. As our students go through the important process of...  Read More
Help with Special Events
by Faith Parry on June 26th, 2024
Did you know that as a church, we host events for other organizations and people? In a given quarter, we may host a health screening, birthday party, board meeting, scouts, and a sheriff's meeting. It's been part of the church's goals over the past 2 years to make our spaces available to the community. We work to keep our facilities up-to-date and looking nice. We don't want them to just sit aroun...  Read More
Annual Conference 2024
by Faith Parry on June 19th, 2024
This is going to be a long post, and I'm sorry for that. There are two sections though, so some of you won't care about all of these sections. The first is my reflections after attending Annual Conference this year. The second section is the official report from the Annual Conference, with more technical details. You can jump to which section you want to read. We started conference off with an eve...  Read More
The Link: Healing Through Art
by Residing Hope Hope on June 13th, 2024
Legacy Scholars Academy's 4th Annual Student Art Showcase was held on May 17th at the historic Enterprise Museum. A large crowd of local leaders and art enthusiasts converged to see and learn about the amazing artwork done by our incredible artists from the Legacy Scholars Academy at Residing Hope in Enterprise under the direction of their teacher Melissa Stilwell. The artwork by artists from sixth...  Read More
Bannerman Year 1 Complete
by Faith Parry on June 5th, 2024
I want to share that the year ended strong with the Boomers and Bannerman. They delivered 11 months of mailbox appreciations along with something in the workroom for the teachers. Along with these items, the Boomers also provided breakfast multiple times and an appreciation bar for Teacher Appreciation week that was "grab and go" style. We also started to work with businesses in our community to hel...  Read More
The 2nd Half of 2024
by Faith Parry on May 30th, 2024
Last week, I took time away to plan the remainder of 2024 in regards to worship. I love spending this time with God and listening to where he wants our church to go. Most importantly, how he wants our energy to be spent. I'm a firm believer that when this type of work is done in advance, it makes it easier to adapt to all the things life throws our way. I have seen this come true so many times in m...  Read More
Story Arc Preview
by Faith Parry on May 22nd, 2024
A Story Arc is one or more consecutive comic book issues that define a story with a beginning, middle, and end.The Bible is not just a collection of stories but a saga that intertwines with our own lives. It's the tale of Yahweh and Adam, the prodigal son and his ever-gracious heavenly father, humanity in its rebellion and God in its grace. This narrative begins with Eden and concludes once creati...  Read More
The Link: Providing Hope Through Outpatient Counseling
by Residing Hope on May 16th, 2024
In 2019, Circle of Friends Services became a division of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home, now known as Residing Hope. This was a very important and vital addition to the growing range of services being provided by the Children's Home at that time. By providing trauma-based therapy to children and families at an earlier point, it was possible to avoid the need for higher levels of care...  Read More
Friends Unleashed Launch
by Faith Parry on May 8th, 2024
I am so excited about the number of new families joining the church in the past year. These new families have brought many new children, and Katie has done a fantastic job in Kid's Club. I'm trying an experiment to connect our new families with a group called Friends Unleashed. Over the summer, we're going to do some fun weekend outings that are family-friendly so you can bring the kids with you. The...  Read More
International Firefighter's Day
by Faith Parry on May 1st, 2024
May 4th is International Firefighters Day. On Sunday May 5th at their local 12:00 pm, Firehouses and others all over the country will pause to remember the men and women who are no longer with them by sounding off. Since we won't be together at that moment, I encourage you to take a moment to stop and pray for all of those who will be remembering a lost friend or loved one..You might notice if you...  Read More
Make it Fun Preview
by Faith Parry on April 24th, 2024
Everyone wants to enjoy life, but only some know how to put themselves in the right place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to experience joy in the journey. This three-week message series will explain what fun is, how to permit ourselves to have fun, and how to add more to our lives. This is a sharing Christ series. We'll look at passages in scriptures that talk about worship and joy and ref...  Read More
Seeds of Support
by Karen Robinson & Faith Parry on April 17th, 2024
From Karen: The Boomers met on April 2nd and prepared the monthly mailbox motivations for the Bannerman (BLC) faculty and staff. Hagan Ace Hardware in Green Cove donated flower seed packets. We attached notes to each packet and placed them in faculty and staff mailboxes (pictured above). This week, Pizza Hut of Green Cove provided the staff with pasta trays and breadsticks for lunch, and the Boomers...  Read More
Prayers for General Conference
by Faith Parry on April 10th, 2024
In a short time, people worldwide and news stations alike will be turning their eyes to Charlotte, NC, as the United Methodists gather for the first time in 5 years to handle the general business of the church. More than 800 men and women from around the globe have been elected and are now preparing to represent their Annual Conferences by working with their delegations.The Florida Annual Conferen...  Read More
8 Days and Over 500 People Fed
by Faith Parry on April 4th, 2024
Over eight days, March 16-23, we participated in 3 events and helped feed people across Clay County. Thank you to everyone who helped, either by volunteering, donating items, or giving financially. A team of us went to Jacksonville to pack food at a table our church sponsored. This event was the 2nd Annual Faith in Action that Hunger Fight has put on. Churches sponsored all the tables. It was so much f...  Read More
Incredible Day of Celebration
by Faith Parry on March 28th, 2024
I can't fully express how blessed I was by the day of worship we had for Palm Sunday, but I will try. But first, I'll confess. I make decisions based on data and prayer. So, when looking at worship times for Palm Sunday and Easter, I spent a lot of time reviewing numbers from last year, especially our children's. After talking with Katie, we felt it was best to have two services so that a new famil...  Read More
Holy Boundaries Preview
by Faith Parry on March 21st, 2024
People place boundaries to keep us safe, like a guard rail at a cliff or a glass wall at the lion's exhibit. Sometimes, we see walls and fences as challenging to find a way over or around them. Sometimes, this challenging spirit can be healthy in life, but other times, it can lead us to captivity. Jesus died and rose again so that we would be set free of sin, shame, and death. It's up to us to ens...  Read More
Showing Love
by Faith Parry on March 14th, 2024
Every month, our Boomers focus on a project to show love to the teachers at Bannerman Learning Center. Here are some pictures from their recent meeting where they were putting together the mailbox motivations. For February, the Children's Ministry helped create Valentine cards. The Boomers took these cards and set up a candy bar in the teachers lounge as a small way of showing the teachers they are loved by others. They al...  Read More
Exponential 2024
by Faith Parry on March 6th, 2024
If you've wondered where I've been this week (which is not the office), I've been at the 2024 Exponential Conference. Here's why that should matter to you. The theme this year is: ONE-EIGHTY — Return to Disciple Making. Although making disciples is the clear mission of the Church, when asked, most churches say that making disciples who make disciples is still their biggest weakness. We sense God is c...  Read More
Holy Week - At Home Livestreams
by Faith Parry on February 28th, 2024
Holy Week is the week of Palm Sunday or the week leading into Easter. As early as the 4th century, we have seen Christians take extra fasts, go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and attend special services as they approach the remembrance of our Lord's most challenging days on earth.To aid in your Holy Week practice, I am preparing a set of pre-recorded services that will be about 15 minutes e...  Read More
Starting Lent Off Strong
by Faith Parry on February 21st, 2024
Jennifer has been attending our church since 2007. She has been a part of a United Methodist congregation for most of her life; she joined God in baptism at a United Methodist congregation in Pennsylvania. Jennifer has seen multiple pastors come and go here at Fleming Island UMC but felt God lay it on her heart recently to reaffirm her baptism, make a public profession of faith, and make us officia...  Read More
Ways to Experience Lent
by Faith Parry on February 15th, 2024
Yesterday started Lent with Ash Wednesday. For those who have been United Methodist (or Catholic or Lutheran), Lent is something you’ve experienced in some way your entire life. For others who may have come from another church or no church background, Lent may be a new thing. It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends the day before Easter. If you exclude Sundays (which are non-fasting days), that equals...  Read More
New People Building Connections
by Faith Parry on February 8th, 2024
Last week, we experienced our 3rd mixer event. I came home from a conference last year with the idea to hold a mixer in a neutral location (not the church) with the goal of helping new worshipers meet people and feel better connected to the church. We held our first event April 2023.Last week, we learned we could have too many people on this patio to be comfortable Is that not a wonderful proble...  Read More
God on Mute Preview
by Faith Parry on February 1st, 2024
Sometimes it feels like when we pray, God isn’t there. Why do we suffer and pray, but God stays silent? We’ll journey through the silence of unanswered prayers through the stages of Holy Week, reflecting on how God can still be present, even in the silence. This is a story of faith, hope, and love beyond all understanding. This is a loving God series. We'll look at how our prayer life is connecte...  Read More
Starting the Year Serving
by Faith Parry on January 25th, 2024
The Kitchen of Clay County has become one of our favorite ways to serve our community. This past weekend, 6 of our members went out to Middleburg to serve those in our community who need some support. We don't ask why they need the meals or check their qualifications. If people show up and ask for food, we give it to them. The team showed up with 5 crock pots of soup and stuff to make sandwiches. 131 servi...  Read More
Little Things Go a Long Way
by Faith Parry on January 17th, 2024
There are many places where a little can go a long way. This is especially true when it comes to kindness and love. When Karen arrived at our church, she had a passion for helping show love to the teachers at Bannerman Learning Center. As a retired teacher, she knew firsthand how hard teaching is and how important it is for a teacher to feel loved and supported. She wanted the Bannerman teachers to...  Read More
2023 in Review
by Faith Parry on January 11th, 2024
This past Sunday, the above video was shared in worship as a celebration of all God did in 2023 I thought I woud take a moment and expand on these numbers a bit more, sharing some stories behind them. We had 3 baptisms in 2023, 2 new-believer baptisms and 1 infant baptism. This is paired with our 28 new members. Both of the new-believer baptisms were new families who came to us, not from any oth...  Read More
Visit to Bannerman
by Faith Parry on January 9th, 2024
For their December meeting, the Boomers (our older adults), went and toured Bannerman Learning Center. The Boomers are our newest group on campus and chose Bannerman to be their mission focus. Normally, they meet at the church, have brunch together, then put together something to show love to the teachers at the school. On this occasion, we took a trip to the school to learn about their programs. I ...  Read More
Life, Money, & Legacy Preview
by Faith Parry on January 3rd, 2024
Do you ever get tired of just scraping by? Do you and your spouse feel awkward tension when the topic of money comes up? Or maybe you want to know how to steward your money well but don’t know where to start. No matter where you land, we have an exciting, new opportunity for you that can help you create a life without financial stress—starting now. This is a loving others series. We'll help people...  Read More
Last 5th Sunday 2023
by Faith Parry on December 27th, 2023
This month is a month with 5 Sundays, which means we're collecting for the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. Here's a message from the Children's Home: Robert came to us with a trauma history that meant bedtime was a really difficult time for him. He never slept in his bed, preferring to sleep in his closet or on the ground. Staff and therapists worked hard with him to help him feel safe so...  Read More
One Year Chronological
by Faith Parry on December 20th, 2023
I'd love for you to join me in reading the Bible through next year, Chronologically. This is my favorite way to read the Bible because you get to see how the books overlap.It can be daunting to try and read the Bible in a year, so let us help. Choose whatever format you like. Do you like to hold a book? You can read the Bible like a devotional book. You just open to the date and there's your readi...  Read More
When You Know
by Faith Parry on December 19th, 2023
I met the WIllis Family for the first time at our Back to School celebration. Jessica is a teacher and her husband Winston is in IT. I've enjoyed getting to know them this fall as they've attended worship, their kids have been part of kid's events, and they have found their place within our community.One thing I love about my job is getting to sit down with the new persons and families. Getting a ...  Read More
Staff Christmas Stockings
by Faith Parry on December 14th, 2023
As Christmas approaches, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee is inviting you to show your appreciation to our staff. Here's what Nicole shares about it: Merry Christmas from the Staff-Parish Relations Committee! We thought we might switch it up a bit this year for those who wish to show your appreciation for a particular Fleming Island UMC staff with a gift. You will notice there are stockings hu...  Read More
Another Year's Impact
by Faith Parry on December 6th, 2023
The Florida United Methodist Children's Home has been a part of our church's missions list since our founding. I love hearing all the stories that come from this incredible ministry as much as Val and Eddie love to go visit every year. Last year, we chose as a church to downsize our missions list and focus on organizations that embodied who we are as a church, and those that give our congregation ways t...  Read More
The Church's Future
by Faith Parry on November 29th, 2023
I am not sure what is more exciting then welcoming a new child into the church family. It's a sign of life, regeneration of the church, but also our commitment to the future generations. Sunday, we got to make a commitment as a church to the Coppage family, as Eddie and Val stood with their children, raised in our church, and now their granddaughter, who is being raised in our church. No one has a ...  Read More
Thanksgiving Thoughts
by Faith Parry on November 21st, 2023
During this season of thankfulness, I want to say thank you to everyone who make it possible for us to to serve our community.The Yard Sale and Pumpkin Patch at first glance is a fundraiser. They did both raise the church money but they did more. The Pumpkin Patch allowed us to connect with the community and support a Cub Scout Troop. We also donated all the unsold items to:Veterans of AmericaThe ...  Read More
Christmas Vacation Preview
by Faith Parry on November 15th, 2023
Have you returned home from a vacation, and felt like you needed another vacation? We make plans, but 9 times out of 10, things don't end up like we expect. This holiday season, we're going tropical and thinking about all the unexpected things that happened to the characters the first Christmas. Grab your Hawaiian shirts, Santa hats, and get ready for a Christmas Vacation! This is a loving God ser...  Read More
Thank You Church
by Faith Parry on November 9th, 2023
I commented Sunday, but being the focus of everyone's attention isn't something I love. I know that seems strange for a preacher to say. I cannot say enough how much I love receiving note cards from you with words of encouragement. Some weeks take more mental work; others take more emotional effort. This week, I was tired from every direction. Sitting at my desk and reading card after card, I felt ...  Read More
Smiling Down
by Faith Parry on November 2nd, 2023
We had October 16 marked on the calendar for a few weeks. When I got up that morning, the weather had become chilly, but that wouldn't stop me from baptizing Michael at his home. His family and friends had been waiting for this day. I'll admit I wasn't sad he decided not to get fully into the pool. The following Sunday, October 22, we welcomed the entire family into our church. But one person was m...  Read More
Advent Readers
by Faith Parry on October 26th, 2023
We're 4 Sundays from Advent; it's hard to believe we're at that time again. Advent is the beginning of the church year for Christians. During Advent, we prepare for and anticipate the coming of Christ. One of the ways is through a tradition called the Advent Wreath. Starting November 26th, we'll start worship by lighting a candle and sharing in a reading. Families or groups are invited to participat...  Read More




