Why Wednesday Nights

Starting in 2 weeks, September 11th, we're holding groups for all ages on Wednesday nights. We'll do this for 5 weeks during the Wesleyan rooted series. Why? Multiple reasons:

  1. Sunday isn't enough. If the only place you're getting your spiritual growth is in worship on Sunday, you aren't getting enough. Sunday is designed to be an amplifier for what we're doing independently and in small groups. It's the icing on the cake.
  2. We learn better in groups. The Methodist Movement took off around the world because of small groups, where people can learn together and talk about struggles in their spiritual journey. This is something that cannot happen with just reading your Bible on your own time. Groups are the heart of everything we do. I can't think of a better time (as we learn about what it means to be Methodist) to get some groups going, or recenter our groups.
  3. Children's Ministry Wants More Time. Katie and her team only get 30 minutes a week with most of our children. That's not very much time to help teach them and nurture them. It also doesn't leave a lot of time for our children to build strong relationships with each other.
  4. Our Students Need to Be Connected. Jr. High and High School are important years in a young person's life. They are preparing to head into the world on their own two feet, and we as a church have a responsibility to help equip them. Even more so, we need to help them create bonds with others students so they don't feel isolated in their Christian journey.

A Test Run

Katie and I have talked and decided to use this series as a test run. Meaning, we want to see if you like having an all-ages discipleship program on Wednesday nights. Pre-COVID the church had a Wednesday night program and to this point, that hasn't returned.

After this study is over, I would love to see small groups form that could meet in the space we have at the church, so that the children's and student ministries could meet as well. Not only would this make things more accessible for our families, it would help our church grow. When our members are growing spiritually (deeper), it allows us to better reach out (wider).

Do you already have a small group on a different night? Feel free to join us in this study and go deeper with us. You can click to download the discussion guides. Remember, if you plan to attend the Wednesday group, we need you to RSVP so we can be prepared. Nursery will be availble for you as well. I'm so excited about going on this joureny with you! I hope to see you there.

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