Holy Week Services

Holy Week kicks off with Palm Sunday, so here’s what you need to know:

Palm Sunday

We’ll have two services at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. The worship services will be identical.

All children are invited to open the services by waving palms. To participate, they need to be in the kids’ area 15 minutes before the service begins so Mrs. Katie can get everyone lined up and ready. If your child normally goes to the nursery, you’ll need to walk with them if you’d like them to wave palms. Our nursery workers will remain in the nursery to care for children who do not participate in the procession.
At noon, we’ll have our annual potluck and egg hunt. Please bring your dish to Grace Place (the white chapel) for the meal. We’ll have tents and chairs set up outside, so you can choose to eat indoors at Grace Place or outside. If the weather isn’t favorable for outdoor activities, we’ll move everything to the Worship Center.

To help Palm Sunday run smoothly, we need volunteers for:
  • Children’s ministry
  • Potluck setup (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Cleanup afterward
You can sign up below.

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Silent Saturday Services

We will have virtual services for the Triduum. These pre-recorded services will go live at 7:00 AM each morning.

If you prefer, you can pick up a home devotion guide in the back of the worship center. You can also download it here.
  • Maundy Thursday: Please have something from your kitchen so you can participate in communion with me.
  • Good Friday: Small baggies with supplies are available in the back of the worship center.

Easter Sunday

On Easter, we’ll have two services at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM:
  • 9:30 AM – Contemporary-style worship, like our usual Sunday morning service.
  • 11:00 AM – A traditional service with more hymns and liturgy.

As we celebrate our most holy day of the year, we hope you’ll find the best way to worship with your family.

With two services, we need extra hands in children’s ministry. If you’re available to help during a service you’re not attending, please let us know.

Get Involved

If you’d like to volunteer for any of these activities, fill out this form.

Palm Sunday


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