When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light!

When life feels dark, shine Jesus’ light!

“Jesus...said, ‘I am the light of the world.’ ” –John 8:12
Today, we blasted off to the moon! We have almost 70 kids registered for VBS this year. That requires  a ton of adults and youth volunteers. Thank you to everyone who is making this week possible.

We learned about what a cosmos is, about our sun, how it relates to the universe, and most importantly, God's Son. Cosmo, a star, talked about how he witnessed Jesus being born and the unique star that shone that night, guiding the wise men.
In Bible Adventure, the kids learned from Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 1:18–2:12 about Jesus' birth. Mary and Joseph lived in a dark time for God's people because they were suffering under the Romans. God brought light into the world through Jesus.
In Imagination Station, they created a scintillation Star Spinner, and looked at how colors change in the light when they are added together.

To help protect the privacy of our children, these pictures are not set for automatic downloads. If you see a picture of your child you'd like, we'd love to share it with you. You can text or email Pastor Faith. You can also look for her at closing ceremony, on Facebook, or at the Family worship night Friday.
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