Record Food Collection

August 26, we participated in the 3rd parking lot food driving with Sacred Heart Catholic Church. This food drive was started to honor one of their members, Jack Graves, and has become one of the largest drives the Green Cove Food Pantry has.
What I love about this event is that we get to spend time with our neighbors next door. This time around, I was able to volunteer for the entire event. I learned some things about the Catholic traditions from the Deacon that runs the event that I didn't know. 
Every item that is donated is weighed, then sorted into boxes so that it can be shelved when it gets to the food pantry. It's an easy task, but one of those "many hands makes light work" types of situations. We collected more than 2,300 pounds of food in one day thanks to the generosity of both churches. This is a record amount collected!
We collected 62 birthday bags, filled with cake mix and supplies for a birthday party. They are always so excited to get these bags because it lights up the faces of those who receive them.
These bags, primarily collected by the children at Vacation Bible School, are responsible for around 250 pounds of the total collection.
Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered, and helped support the Food Pantry! Our next drive will probably be in December.

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