Walking Miracle

In November, I get to be 34 years out with my heart transplant. In 2018, I was listed again for a another heart transplant and now kidney, and at the time started having water retention. After a year of tests my heart function improved. Faith and trusting God got me through all the run arounds of being listed and now currently my function hasn't changed. I still am stable, but one day I will need another heart transplant and kidney from 34 years of medications I've taken over the years. I have no fear of what my future holds because I know it's in Gods hands. My time on earth is up to him to one day sign my life away to be listed again
I met Heather right after I moved to Clay County. She and her mother Carol attended my first church on the other side of the river. Her story is an amazing story. We'll have more of it to share as we approach her heart anniversary in November.  â€“Faith

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