Walked Away

August 15, 2015, was just an ordinary day; I was driving to pick up someone to bring them to a local shop. On the way, I was hit on the side of the car and spun, knocking me unconscious. I was flown by air to Shands Trauma Unit from the scene of my accident and didn't remember anything that happened because I had a slight concussion. The grace of God kept me from having anything major happen. I was able to breathe on my own. My pelvis was fractured, so I had to get a rod to hold it together and did therapy at home; I was in a wheelchair for 2 months. Luckily, my daughter Heather lived with me, so she helped me with bathing and getting dressed, and I finally graduated to a walker and then full weight to walk again. Because of God, I was blessed and spared to live.

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