Advent Series

I mentioned in my sermon this past Sunday that I am having a hard time believing that Advent is almost here. 😳

For those who are like me and you grew up Methodist/Lutheran/Catholic/Episcopal, Advent is a familiar time of year that you probably look forward to. You may have some special traditions in your home to mark the 4-week countdown to Christmas. For others who grew up Baptist/Pentecostal/Non-Denominational or who are new to church, the word Advent may be new.
The season of Advent, which comes from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming" or "visit," begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the church year for Christians. –What is Advent?
That means, in our church calendar, this Sunday is the last Sunday of our year. It gives us a time to countdown to Christmas Eve when we get to celebrate Christ's birth and the renewal of our lives with him, with the cross on the horizon.

Hotel Bethlehem

What was it like at Hotel Bethlehem for Mary and Joseph? Join us in December as we learn from their journey as new parents and how we can take lessons they learned and apply them to our lives.

This is our series for Advent this year. We will learn how Mary and Joseph welcomed people into their lives at a special moment and how Jesus continues to welcome us today. It's my hope that we'll see the "strangers" in the story and the "strangers" around us, so that we can create a space in our lives like Hotel Bethlehem.

Study Book

For many, having a book to read during Advent can add to the pattern of the season. I created this series off a small group book so that anyone who wished to have study during Advent could have one.

The study is called Making Room: Sharing the Love of Christmas by Ed Robb. You can find it in paperback or eBook format.
It's also been on the hearts of many in the congregation to connect the new faces we've been seeing. Julie has agreed to lead a small group around the book during Advent, intentionally reaching out to those who are currently not in a group at the church.

At this time, it hasn't been decided when the group will meet. Julie wants to see when is best for those interested. If you're interested, you can contact Julie to learn more.

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