What Our Method Is

Have you ever wondered who does what around the church? Methodists got their name in the 1800s because we were methodical in our spiritual growth. It's not surprising that we're also methodical in our ways of governing the church and dividing the leadership among many.

Every year, we go through a process called nominations, where I gather with some people to pray over a worksheet we need to fill out for the coming year. We ask God to show us who has a passion for specific ministries, who can help us start new things, and who can attend to the details of church work. Some people in our church have a gift for administration and love numbers, some reach out into our community, others do mission work and evangelism, and others like to fix things and keep up with yard work.

We have a committee or team for every part of the church's work. If you're interested in learning more about how we handle this part of the church's ministries, or if you have a way you'd like to use your gifts and passions, please get in touch with me. We'll finalize the list for next year over the next month.

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