Jumping Right In

If you run into Julius and Shannon, you'll notice that they are both quiet, kind, and love to jump in and help with things. I met them when they first started to attend the church, but they made an impression on me when they asked to help with Vacation Bible School.

I didn't know them very well when they responded to an open call for help picking up donated VBS decorations from Highpoint Community Church. As worship ended, they greeted me, saying, "We can help transport items. Who do we talk to?"

Since that moment, I've had the pleasure of working alongside them as they took the time to fix some of those props that broke in transport. If you've noticed some sprucing up around the worship center, that's their handiwork. There is something beautiful about us using our gifts to benefit God's church.

I hope everyone in our church finds ways to use their gifts just like Julius and Shannon do. Welcome to the family!

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