Posts with the category “new-members”
14 Stronger
by Faith Parry on October 17th, 2024
If you were to ask me what I love most about ministry, I wouldn’t hesitate. Baptizing new believers and teaching the faith, especially in moments like confirmation, brings me the deepest joy. This past Sunday, we had the privilege of witnessing the fruits of our church’s faithful work, and it was incredible While I don’t always think of membership as the primary fruit, I have to say, the conversat... Read More
Starting Lent Off Strong
by Faith Parry on February 21st, 2024
Jennifer has been attending our church since 2007. She has been a part of a United Methodist congregation for most of her life; she joined God in baptism at a United Methodist congregation in Pennsylvania. Jennifer has seen multiple pastors come and go here at Fleming Island UMC but felt God lay it on her heart recently to reaffirm her baptism, make a public profession of faith, and make us officia... Read More
When You Know
by Faith Parry on December 19th, 2023
I met the WIllis Family for the first time at our Back to School celebration. Jessica is a teacher and her husband Winston is in IT. I've enjoyed getting to know them this fall as they've attended worship, their kids have been part of kid's events, and they have found their place within our community.One thing I love about my job is getting to sit down with the new persons and families. Getting a ... Read More
The Church's Future
by Faith Parry on November 29th, 2023
I am not sure what is more exciting then welcoming a new child into the church family. It's a sign of life, regeneration of the church, but also our commitment to the future generations. Sunday, we got to make a commitment as a church to the Coppage family, as Eddie and Val stood with their children, raised in our church, and now their granddaughter, who is being raised in our church. No one has a ... Read More
Smiling Down
by Faith Parry on November 2nd, 2023
We had October 16 marked on the calendar for a few weeks. When I got up that morning, the weather had become chilly, but that wouldn't stop me from baptizing Michael at his home. His family and friends had been waiting for this day. I'll admit I wasn't sad he decided not to get fully into the pool. The following Sunday, October 22, we welcomed the entire family into our church. But one person was m... Read More
Flying Right In
by Faith Parry on September 20th, 2023
I am excited to officially welcome the Owens family as part of our church family Wendy reached out to me in May after visiting our church. She wanted to learn more about us. Shortly after, I sat down for coffee with Wendy and her mom, Sandy. I feel like I've known them forever. They've jumped in and started to volunteer at events. Eric, Sandy's husband (Wendy's dad), loves to spend time with his g... Read More
Jumping Right In
by Faith Parry on August 23rd, 2023
If you run into Julius and Shannon, you'll notice that they are both quiet, kind, and love to jump in and help with things. I met them when they first started to attend the church, but they made an impression on me when they asked to help with Vacation Bible School.I didn't know them very well when they responded to an open call for help picking up donated VBS decorations from Highpoint Community ... Read More
Family Finds Home
by Faith Parry on June 28th, 2023
The Asbell family has become three faces that light up everyone's hearts when we see them. If you haven't met Steve, Jennifer, and their son, you need to. They are sure to share their creativity and joy with you. Like many families after COVID, they wanted a church that felt more like a family than a large institution. FIUMC exceeded all expectations! This family has found their plac... Read More
Families that Worship Together
by Faith Parry on June 22nd, 2023
I always love to welcome new members into the church family. This past Sunday, we got to welcome Tommy and Karen, and their daughter Haley! We've now welcomed 3 generations of this family. A few weeks ago, we welcomed the Andersen Family into membership. Courtney who we welcomed a few weeks ago, is also Tommy and Karen's daughter.Tommy, Karen and Haley come to us from another United Methodist... Read More
The Family Grows
by Faith Parry on June 8th, 2023
This family has been worshipping at Fleming Island UMC since March. Many times, when you find the place that works for your family, you know. That's how it is for them, except their family includes an aunt and grandparents. You should be seeing their faces in the blog soon.This week, we welcome this wonderful couple, Andy and Courtney, with open arms. They are transferring their membership from an... Read More
First Ocean Baptism in the Books
by Faith Parry on April 13th, 2023
Holy Week is always a holy time, but it's so easy to get caught up in the busy. This year though, I started it off with a focus that's hard to beat. Monday, April 3, I headed to Mayport Beach for the joy of baptizing and receiving into our congregation Amanda. Amanda started worshipping with us around October of last year after driving past the church. She saw the banner for our "Christianity for Atheists" sermon series. The first time we talked, Amanda explained that she has identified as agnostic for years, so the banner caught her eye. She went home and looked us up. Read More
When You Just Know
by Faith Parry on February 9th, 2023
Sometimes you must try a church for weeks or even months before you feel like you can decide if it's your "forever spiritual home." Other times, you walk in and know right away.That's what happened to Christy and Woody. I met with the couple a few weeks ago as they shared their story and experience about our church and why they wanted to join. They started to attend Fleming Island UMC in December,... Read More
A Musician, Fire Fighter, and Methodist, walk onto Stage...
by Faith Parry on October 5th, 2022
It was such a wonderful day in worship on Sunday! In addition to starting a new sermon series, we also received three persons into membership.Howard and Nicole Rieger started worshipping with us on Easter 2021. They were married in Grace Place in September of 2021. Howard was raised Jewish, but in January this year, he felt called to Christian baptism. Most Sundays, you'll find Howard in the sound... Read More
Welcome Cathy and Katie
by Faith Parry on September 13th, 2022
September 4th, we welcomed Cathy Perry and Katie Strickland into membership. It was a joy to receive them both into membership as they renewed their belief in Christ. They are officially committed to living out their faith through our congregation with their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. They've both been doing this for quite some time. For many, you may be asking why a person ne... Read More
The Holy Spirit in the New Year Finding the Good NewsMy JesusLife, Money, & Legacy PreviewYes Pass it OnSeeing is Believing Are You a Bridge?Visit to Bannerman2023 in ReviewParent's Day Out Stewardship Over OwnershipLegacy of GenerosityFaith and Financial ActionLittle Things Go a Long WayCharacter Amplified by WealthCommunity Influence on FinancesResisting Consumerism's Siren CallEmbracing Financial Freedom Over DebtCounting the Cost for Future SecurityThe Freedom of MinimalismStarting the Year ServingDiligence in Pursuit of Financial IndependenceStewardship Reflects the HeartPride Versus GratitudeThe Multiplication of Blessings
Enjoying Material Blessings ResponsiblyGod on Mute PreviewVisions for a New YearFebruary Series PreviewGlobal Wealth and Personal ResponsibilityEmbracing Godly StewardshipThe Joy of Worshipful GivingReflecting Divine GenerosityNew People Building ConnectionsTransforming Society Through FaithGiving as a Reflection of the HeartWays to Experience LentFirst Parent’s Day Out of the YearDay On Campus is Coming SoonStarting Lent Off StrongKids Club March Series PreviewSeeing God at the HospitalHoly Week - At Home Livestreams
Unity Reflects Jesus' Heart for the ChurchSilence as a Space for GrowthExponential 2024Community Strengthens Our Faith WalkPain Repurposed for God's GloryPreteen Night: Escape RoomVulnerability Opens Us to TransformationShowing LoveWhere is God When Heaven is SilentChildren's Home is now Residing HopeHoly Boundaries PreviewWhen Will My Prayers Be Answered Discussion GuideRecognition in ResurrectionEmbracing Our BrokennessKids Club April Series PreviewScars as TestimonyIncredible Day of CelebrationThe Unique Beauty of RestorationActive Hope in Christ
8 Days and Over 500 People FedRaising Your Relational IQ Discussion GuidePrayers for General ConferenceBoundaries with Friends Discussion GuideBoundaries with Family Discussion GuideStrength in Spiritual UnityWisdom in Family DynamicsSeeds of SupportBoundaries for Spiritual HealthEmbracing the Family of GodThe Inclusivity of God's TableBoundaries with Technology GuideCelebrating Community Through ServiceMake it Fun PreviewKids Club May Series PreviewThe Link: Day On CampusBoundaries with God Guide