Transforming Spiritual Futures

Many may ask, "What's the point of confirmation?" or "Isn't that a Catholic thing?" If I had to choose one thing that you found a way for your teenager to do, it would be confirmation. It's so important for the spiritual development because it helps them understand what's different about Christianity from all the other belief systems in our world.
As our students go through the important process of becoming adults (called the teenage years), we must help them learn to think about religion and ask questions. This prepares them for being on their own in the world.
This fall, I will be preaching on what it means to be United Methodist, and what our founder John Wesley believed. We'll have an adult study on Wednesday nights led by our Lay Leader Tommy and our Lay Delegate Julie, answering foundational questions for adults about Methodism. At the same time, I'll be leading our students in a study on the foundations of Christianity.
The study is 5-weeks and will use The Apostles Creed to unpack the foundations of what it means to be Christian (the core beliefs):
I would love for your student (7th-12th grade) to be a part of this study. Even if your student has been confirmed, he or she can still participate in the study and re-affirm their faith. We will match the service on October 12 to the needs of everyone who participates.
You can make a difference in the future of your child's spiritual development!
As our students go through the important process of becoming adults (called the teenage years), we must help them learn to think about religion and ask questions. This prepares them for being on their own in the world.
This fall, I will be preaching on what it means to be United Methodist, and what our founder John Wesley believed. We'll have an adult study on Wednesday nights led by our Lay Leader Tommy and our Lay Delegate Julie, answering foundational questions for adults about Methodism. At the same time, I'll be leading our students in a study on the foundations of Christianity.
The study is 5-weeks and will use The Apostles Creed to unpack the foundations of what it means to be Christian (the core beliefs):
- God: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
- Jesus: and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
- Holy Spirit: I believe in the Holy Spirit,
- Eternity: the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
- Methodism: This last week, we'll answer questions like: What does it mean to profess these beliefs within The United Methodist Church? Should I be confirmed and baptized?
I would love for your student (7th-12th grade) to be a part of this study. Even if your student has been confirmed, he or she can still participate in the study and re-affirm their faith. We will match the service on October 12 to the needs of everyone who participates.
You can make a difference in the future of your child's spiritual development!
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