Paper Paper Paper

In worship Sunday, Eddie announced that we donated items to the Children's Home. Pictured is Rev. Brian Carr, the Director of Church Relations for the Florida United Methodist Children's Home.

Brian stands excitedly beside our donation pile of paper, school supplies, and suitcases. These items are things they desperately need. We collected the paper last quarter when they shared this need with us. This month you gave $245, bringing the total to $673 plus the supplies we sent.

If you're wondering why we sent suitcases, the kids usually bring their stuff in trash bags. Suitcases in good condition are given to them when they leave so they can move with dignity. If you have any you're getting rid of, you can bring them to the church. We'll hold on to them until the next time we take items to the Children's Home.

Thank you for your generosity! You're making an impact on the lives of children in Florida.

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