Part 9 - Proverbs 26-29

This Bible study devotional covers Joshua chapters 19-21. In this passage, we will discuss the common theme: the power of words.

As always, we are committed to showing you how to see the good news of the Gospel in every passage of Scripture. In Proverbs 26-29, we see that Jesus’ words carry power because he is the very Word of God. When he speaks, he gives us life.

**Observation Questions:**

1. What does Proverbs 18:21 suggest about the potential outcomes of our speech?

2. How does Proverbs 26:20 illustrate the impact of words on community dynamics?

3. According to Matthew 12:36-37, what is the significance of our words in relation to judgment?

4. Reflecting on John 19:30, what does Jesus' declaration "It is finished" signify in the context of His mission?

**Interpretation Questions:**

1. In what ways do our words reflect the creative or destructive power mentioned in Proverbs 18:21?

2. Considering Proverbs 26:20, how might silence or restraint play a role in resolving conflicts?

3. How does the teaching in Matthew 12:36-37 challenge us to consider the content of our conversations?

4. What does the phrase "It is finished" in John 19:30 reveal about the completeness of Jesus' work on the cross?

**Application Questions:**

1. Reflect on a recent conversation where your words had a significant impact. How could you have used your words to bring life rather than harm?

2. Identify a situation in your community where words have led to strife. What steps can you take to use your speech to promote peace and reconciliation?

3. Think about the words you use daily. What is one change you can make this week to ensure your words will be ones you are willing to account for on the day of judgment?

4. In light of Jesus' words "It is finished," how can you communicate the message of redemption and grace to someone who has not yet heard it?

5. Choose one relationship where your words have not reflected Christ's love. What specific action will you take this week to speak life into that relationship?