Recap of Clay County Kitchen

It's been the goal of our missions committee to find ways for us to serve our community, building relationships with others and those within our church at the same time. There were some things that missions took off their list for organizations to support this year, feeling it didn't meet their goal. However, in June, they added the Clay County Kitchen because it hit all the marks.
We've had other celebrations of the kitchen that you can read below:
We've had other celebrations of the kitchen that you can read below:
What I'd like to highlight today is the effort that has gone on from our congregation over the past 6 months for this mission.
On the third Saturday of every month, we show up at Middleburg UMC to serve the community a hot and fresh meal. That meal consists of hot, homemade soup, a sandwich, and other items we receive from Waste Not Want Not (WNWN).
On the third Saturday of every month, we show up at Middleburg UMC to serve the community a hot and fresh meal. That meal consists of hot, homemade soup, a sandwich, and other items we receive from Waste Not Want Not (WNWN).
How our Congregation Has Served
It's usually a small group that serves each time, between 6-10 people. They provide from their own pockets:
By my calculations, it's a total of $80-$100 each time we serve. We've served at the kitchen 5 times (with December being the 6th time for 2022). Counting December, that's $480-600 spent to help feed people in our county.
We've had 26 individuals volunteer. That's about 50% of our weekly adult attendance on Sunday morning! Those 26 people have served an average of 60-70 meals on the 3rd Saturday of each month, which is a combination of soup, sandwiches, and other foods donated by WNWN.
- Crockpots of Hot Soup ($8-10 per pot)
- Ham and Turkey Sandwiches (bread donated by WNWN)
By my calculations, it's a total of $80-$100 each time we serve. We've served at the kitchen 5 times (with December being the 6th time for 2022). Counting December, that's $480-600 spent to help feed people in our county.
We've had 26 individuals volunteer. That's about 50% of our weekly adult attendance on Sunday morning! Those 26 people have served an average of 60-70 meals on the 3rd Saturday of each month, which is a combination of soup, sandwiches, and other foods donated by WNWN.
Thank You for Your Generosity
You can't see all forms of generosity on a report, so I'm taking the time here in December to say Thank You for your generosity. Many of you have helped feed the needy at your own expense.
If you'd like to serve at the Kitchen, let us know. It's an amazing experience. I got to go in October and really enjoyed it. It's easy, great for kids and for families. If all you can do is show up, then come.
If you'd like to serve at the Kitchen, let us know. It's an amazing experience. I got to go in October and really enjoyed it. It's easy, great for kids and for families. If all you can do is show up, then come.
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